Creative Media Industry Forum 2022

29sep09:0015:30Creative Media Industry Forum 202209:00 - 15:30(GMT+02:00) Parolesalen, Kasernevej 8-10SporIndustryÅrligt tilbagevendende branchemøde for animationsbranchen


29/09/2022 09:00 - 15:30(GMT+01:00)



Kasernevej 8-10

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Creative Media Industry Forum (CMIF) er et årligt branchemøde for animationsproducere med fokus på indholdsproduktion og markedstendenser samt networking og erfaringsudveksling.

Konferencen fokuserer i 2022 på indhold til streamingtjenester, original IP og hvordan man engagerer et særligt publikum i flere formater. Der er besøg af 3 spændende key note speakers, og der bliver rig mulighed for networking og at stille spørgsmål. Eventet planlægges i samarbejde med Animation Denmark.

    • Phil Rynda – Former Head of Netflix Animation – The Power of IP
    • Felicia Jackson – Director, This Festival – Young Adult Audiences
    • Julie Lind-Holm Hansen – Editor for Kids Animation, DR – DR Animation Strategy

C-MIF præsenteres i samarbejde med Vision Denmark og er støttet af Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet


    • 29/09/2022
    • 09.00 Check-in og registrering09.00 - 09.30
    • 09.30 Velkomst og introduktion09.30 - 09.45
      V. Kasper Kruse, Leder af The Animation Workshop
    • 09.45 Viborg Visuals09.45 - 10.00
      Betina Engholm, CEO, Viborg Visuals
    • 10.00 Kaffe og networwking10.00 - 10.15
    • 10.15 The Power of IP - w. Phil Rynda10.15 - 11.00
      Phil Rynda is an Emmy Award winning animation executive, artist, and educator. With a career spanning over 20 years, he has worked across series, features, and games. Phil was foundational in building Netflix Animation Studio whose productions include The Seabeast, Maya and the Three, Cuphead, and Battlekitty. He was the first person hired by Netflix dedicated to creating the studio and served as leadership across numerous teams as the studio grew into the thousands. In this presentation, Phil will discuss challenges producers and buyers face when creating and assessing projects. He will talk about the power of IP and how to best serve audiences who are now engaging with content in numerous formats and settings. Phil will share his own observations and anecdotes from his experiences as both executive and artist and give a unique insight into the mentality of the buyer through the eye of a creative mind.
    • 11.00 Q&A med Phil Rynda11.00 - 11.20
    • 11.20 Kaffepause11.20 - 11.30
    • 11.30 Young Adult Audiences - w. Felicia Jackson11.30 - 12.30
      TV series for the youth offer so much more than simple entertainment. The best and most popular series both represent culture and create it all at once. Of course, TV series often mirror the time and era in which they are created, but they also manage to kickstart and amplify significant societal trends. In her presentation, Felicia Jackson, Director of This Festival, will focus on five different generations – from Generation X and onwards. She will deliver a both captivating and entertaining analysis of the symbiotic relationship between the preferred TV series within each generation and the realities they are part of. You will hear about characters – such as Brandon and Brenda from Beverly Hills 90210 as well as Wilhelm and Simon from Young Royals – and learn what five generations’ worth of youth-oriented TV series tell us about the world we all inhabit.
    • 12.30 Lunch12.30 - 13.30
    • 13.30 DR Animation Strategy - w. Julie Lind-Holm Hansen13.30 - 14.30
      Julie Lind-Holm began her work as a producer in 2011. In 2014 she was employed by Anders Morgenthaler and Mikael Wulff's production company New Creations. Julie had her feature film debut as a producer with 'I Am Here' (2014) by Anders Morgenthaler. Most recently, she produced 'Mugge & Vejfesten' (2019) by Anders Morgenthaler and Mikael Wulff. She has also produced TV series such as 'Anton90' (2015) and 'Perfekte steder' (2017-2019). Julie currently works as Editor for Kids Animation at DR Animation. In her talk Julie will introduce DR's animation strategy NB: this talk will be in Danish


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  • Phil Rynda

    Phil Rynda


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