Viborg Animation Festival is the biggest animation festival in Denmark!
VAF believes that animation craft and artists should be celebrated, cultivated, and communicated. The festival offers animation-related film programs, cultural events, and professional conferences through the four tracks: VAF KIDS, VAF FILM, VAF CULTURE, and VAF INDUSTRY. The events are for the broader public, people in the animation industry, as well as potential consumers of animated content.
VAF pushes the boundaries for animation and challenges the audiences and the industry’s perception of what animation is and can be. The festival is used as a scene for the animation medium and its many possibilities. A wide range of attractive, high-quality animation experiences presents Danish and international film culture to the locals in Viborg and interested parties from all over the country.
VAF supports cooperations and efforts to expand the potential within the animation industry across borders and create awareness of the discipline. The focus is on the development of capacity and competencies in the industry to accommodate current and future clients. A specific emphasis is on events supporting, cultivating, and promoting Danish talent.
VAF is All Things Animated!
More about VAF Kids
ANIMOK is Denmark’s animation festival schools and institutions for kids, as well as families and youth. The ANIMOK-track consists of curated free film programs, animation competitions for schools, teaching resources, and workshops centered around animation. The track and the activities aim at facilitating the development of social, cultural, and creative communities for kids. ANIMOK works with locally, nationally, and internationally rooted initiatives.
More about VAF Film
The film program and the activities under this track are the core of the festival. Each year VAF presents the festival audience with a solid program of some of the best Danish and international animation films from the last year. The ambition of VAF is to further the audiences understanding of the art of storytelling, the craft of animation, and the powerful narrative abilities the media possesses
More about VAF Culture
This track focuses on a wide variety of animation and film-related events, an ambitious exhibition of art pieces all in the matrix of animation, art, and technology. The ambition of VAF is to put a spotlight on the potential in animation in connection to the art world and the gaming community. By doing so, we open the doors to a larger market and audience for animators, artists, VFX-professionals, VR-experts, game developers, and the gaming industry.
More about VAF Industry
All the events in the Industry-track draw upon the use of animation as a professional tool in different businesses, and the goal is to increase the attention on the potential of animation as more than mere entertainment. The events are aimed at the broader public as well as buyers of products within the digital visual industry. The track includes conferences, seminars, symposiums, and meetings for professional animators, game developers, producers, graphics storytellers, illustrators, their consumers, and many more